Source code for labbookdb.db.add

from __future__ import print_function

import argh
import json
import numpy

import pandas as pd

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, literal, update, insert
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from os import path
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import sqlalchemy

from .common_classes import *
from .query import ALLOWED_CLASSES

[docs]def load_session(db_path): """Load and return a new SQLalchemy session and engine. Parameters ---------- db_path : str Path to desired database location, can be relative or use tilde to specify the user $HOME. Returns ------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session Session instance. engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine Engine instance. """ db_path = "sqlite:///" + path.abspath(path.expanduser(db_path)) engine = create_engine(db_path, echo=False) #it is very important that `autoflush == False`, otherwise if "treatments" or "measurements" entried precede "external_ids" the latter will insert a null on the animal_id column Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False) session = Session() Base.metadata.create_all(engine) return session, engine
[docs]def add_to_db(session, engine, myobject): """Add an object to session and return the .id attribute value. Parameters ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session Session instance, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine Engine instance correponding to the Session instance under session, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). myobject : object LabbookDB object with SQLAlchemy-compatible attributes (e.g. as found under labbookdb.db.common_classes). Returns ------- object_id : int Value of attribute """ session.add(myobject) try: session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: print("Please make sure this was not a double entry:", myobject) return object_id
[docs]def instructions(kind): """Print helpful instructions for common error-causing input issues Parameters ---------- kind : {"table_identifier",} Shorthand for the instructin message to be printed. """ if kind == "table_identifier": print("Make sure you have entered the filter value correctly. This value is supposed to refer to the id column of another table and needs to be specified as \'table_identifier\'.\'field_by_which_to_filter\'.\'target_value\'")
[docs]def append_parameter(db_path, entry_identification, parameters): """Assigns a value to a given parameter of a given entry. Parameters ---------- db_path : str A string especifying the database path entry_identification : str A LabbookDB syntax string specifying an instance of an object for which to update a parameter. Example strings: "Animal:external_ids.AnimalExternalIdentifier:database.ETH/AIC&#&identifier.5701" , "Cage:id.14" parameters : str or dict A LabbookDB-style dictionary (or JSON interpretable as dictionary), where keys are strings giving the names of attributes of the class selected by entry_identification, and values are either the values to assign (verbatim: string, int, or float) or LabbookDB-syntax strings specifying a related entry, or a list of LabbookDB-syntax strings specifying related entries, or a list of LabbookDB-style dictionaries specifying new entries to be created and linked. """ if isinstance(parameters, str): parameters = json.loads(parameters) session, engine = load_session(db_path) entry_class = ALLOWED_CLASSES[entry_identification.split(":")[0]] my_id = get_related_ids(session, engine, entry_identification)[0][0] myobject = session.query(entry_class).filter( == my_id)[0] for parameter_key in parameters: parameter_expression = parameters[parameter_key] if isinstance(parameter_expression, (str, int, float)): if ":" in parameter_expression and "." in parameter_expression: related_entry_ids, _ = get_related_ids(session, engine, i) related_entry_class = ALLOWED_CLASSES[i.split(":")[0]] for related_entry_id in related_entry_ids: related_entry = session.query(related_entry_class).filter( == related_entry_id)[0] setattr(myobject, parameter_key, related_entry) else: if parameter_key[-4:] == "date": parameter_expression = datetime.datetime(*[int(i) for i in parameter_expression.split(",")]) setattr(myobject, parameter_key, parameter_expression) else: set_attribute = getattr(myobject, parameter_key) for parameter_expression_entry in parameter_expression: if isinstance(parameter_expression_entry, dict): new_entry, _ = add_generic(db_path, parameter_expression_entry, session=session, engine=engine) set_attribute.append(new_entry) elif isinstance(parameter_expression_entry, str): related_entry_ids, _ = get_related_ids(session, engine, parameter_expression_entry) related_entry_class = ALLOWED_CLASSES[parameter_expression_entry.split(":")[0]] for related_entry_id in related_entry_ids: related_entry = session.query(related_entry_class).filter( == related_entry_id)[0] set_attribute.append(related_entry) commit_and_close(session, engine)
[docs]def add_generic(db_path, parameters, session=None, engine=None): """Adds new entries based on a LabbookDB-syntax parameter dictionary. Parameters ---------- db_path : str Path to database to open if session and engine parameters are not already passed, can be relative or use tilde to specify the user $HOME. parameters : str or dict A LabbookDB-style dictionary (or JSON interpretable as dictionary), where keys are "CATEGORY" and other strings specifying the attribute names for the object to be created, and values are the class name (for "CATEGORY") and either the values to assign (verbatim: string, int, or float) or LabbookDB-syntax strings specifying a related entry, or a list of LabbookDB-syntax strings specifying related entries, or a list of LabbookDB-style dictionaries specifying new entries to be created and linked. session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session, optional Session instance, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, optional Engine instance correponding to the Session instance under session, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). Returns ------- myobject : object LabbookDB object with SQLAlchemy-compatible attributes (e.g. as found under labbookdb.db.common_classes). object_id : int Value of attribute. """ if not (session and engine) : session, engine = load_session(db_path) close = True else: close = False if isinstance(parameters, str): parameters = json.loads(parameters) category_class = ALLOWED_CLASSES[parameters["CATEGORY"]] if list(parameters.keys()) == ["CATEGORY"]: attributes = dir(category_class()) filtered_attributes = [i for i in attributes if i[0] != "_"] print("You can list the following keys as part of your parameters: " + ", ".join(filtered_attributes)) parameters.pop("CATEGORY", None) myobject = category_class() columns = inspect(myobject).mapper.column_attrs relationships = inspect(myobject).mapper.relationships all_attributes = [attr.key for attr in columns+relationships] for key, _ in sorted(parameters.items()): if key not in all_attributes: raise ValueError("'"+myobject.__class__.__name__+"' object does not support '"+key+"' attribute. Acceptable attributes are: "+" ,".join(all_attributes)+".") if key[-4:] == "date": parameters[key] = datetime.datetime(*[int(i) for i in parameters[key].split(",")]) if key[-3:] == "_id" and not isinstance(parameters[key], int): try: input_values, _ = get_related_ids(session, engine, parameters[key]) except ValueError: instructions("table_identifier") for input_value in input_values: input_value = int(input_value) print("Setting", myobject.__class__.__name__+"'s",key,"attribute to",input_value) setattr(myobject, key, input_value) #this triggers on-the-fly related-entry creation: elif isinstance(parameters[key], list): related_entries=[] for related_entry in parameters[key]: if isinstance(related_entry, dict): related_entry, _ = add_generic(db_path, related_entry, session=session, engine=engine) related_entries.append(related_entry) elif isinstance(related_entry, str): my_id = get_related_ids(session, engine, related_entry)[0][0] entry_class = ALLOWED_CLASSES[related_entry.split(":")[0]] related_entry = session.query(entry_class).\ filter( == my_id).all()[0] related_entries.append(related_entry) session.add(myobject) # voodoo (imho) fix for the weird errors about myobject not being attached to a Session print("Setting", myobject.__class__.__name__+"'s",key,"attribute to",related_entries) setattr(myobject, key, related_entries) else: print("Setting", myobject.__class__.__name__+"'s",key,"attribute to",parameters[key]) setattr(myobject, key, parameters[key]) object_id = add_to_db(session, engine, myobject) if close: session.close() engine.dispose() return myobject, object_id
[docs]def commit_and_close(session, engine): """Commit and close session and dispose of engine. Nonfatal for sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError with print notification. Parameters ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session, optional Session instance, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, optional Engine instance correponding to the Session instance under session, as created with labbookdb.db.add.load_session(). """ try: session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: print("Please make sure this was not a double entry.") session.close() engine.dispose()